Experience Unforgettable - Camps & Retreats

Summer Volunteers

At Camp Caroline, we look for the very best people to help us create unforgettable experiences for every guest that sets foot on our campus. We understand that it takes many parts to make a strong whole, and that's why we need you! Come join us in giving your most valuable resource - your time - and be blessed while being a blessing. You'll never be sorry you did!

    Apply Now!

    What are the top four reasons you should serve at Camp Caroline this summer?

    1. God's Call. Often when speaking with people serving in ministry, we hear them express that God called or nudged them into ministry. If you feel like this is you, don't only hear the call, but act on it! God has something great in store for you and the only way you will experience it is if you answer that call with a resounding "YES!".
    2. Spiritual Challenge. While working at Camp Caroline, God will teach you through many vessels (teammates, leaders, children, nature). Those lessons have the potential to change your life's trajectory in significant ways. Take the challenge and experience the growth.
    3. Training for Life and Ministry. Camp Caroline is dedicated to training godly leaders - young men and women who will have a godly influence on the world around them. We strive to prepare our staff to leave Camp Caroline ready to enter whatever God has in store for them next. We view a summer at Camp Caroline as a training ground for life long ministry. This training is challenging
      in every way; it's often intense and requires perseverance and dedication. But it's also extremely rewarding. We hope that God will be stretching your relationship with Him during your time at Camp Caroline and that you will be given tools for effective ministry to take with you wherever you go.
    4. Skill and Career Experience. What you can see, do, and learn in a summer at camp is often extremely valuable for career development. You will go home with practical and marketable skills and a wonderful experience to add to your resume.

    Weekly Opportunities:

    Dish Crew  

    The Dish crew is a high-energy and hard-working team that will handle all the dishes and dining hall prep for each meal. As a member of this crew, you will work alongside the Dish Crew leaders to fill this much-needed position in our summer camp program. When you are not scheduled to be working, you will be given the opportunity to participate in some of our daily camp activities such as evening specials, campfires and so on. Dish crew members are preferred to be at least 13 years of age. 

    Camp Counselor

    A summer camp counselor's primary role is to build relationship with campers, and to encourage campers in their spiritual walk of faith. This includes accepting them at whatever place they are at spiritually and encouraging them to take steps toward a closer relationship with Jesus Christ. You will be the primary caregiver each week to a cabin of 5-7 campers, and will participate with them in activities, outtrips, and sessions. Camp counselors must be at least 18 years of age. This position is primarily for returning counselors (from past summers) and volunteers who have already volunteered at camp this summer. 

    Site and Facilities 

    Are you experienced in a specific trade or skill and are looking to get involved in some of our projects here at camp? We would love to have you come help out. Feel free to contact us at Brianna@campcaroline.ab.ca  and we will see what project we have on the go for you to join in on. 

    Camp Nurse (RN)

    As the camp nurse you will work with our healthcare staff to provide health care to campers, guests, and staff in accordance with provincial health and safety codes.

    Parent Volunteers 

    We want you on our team!!! At Camp Caroline, we love having parents come and volunteer while their children are enjoying the week at camp. While our volunteer opportunities look a little different this year compared to summer’s past, there are still ways to serve and make a difference.  Parent volunteers will primarily be a part of the dish crew team, with the possibility of serving and basic food prep tasks. We are looking for encouraging, hardworking and supportive volunteers to become a part of our kitchen team. 

    While our primary service need in the Kitchen is Dish washing help, we know some volunteers prefer the food service side of things. If this is you, please make a note of that during your volunteer application, and you will be contacted about moving over to further assist the food service team if our dishwashing crews have enough volunteers. 

    If you are interested in practically serving at camp while encouraging the younger generation and having fun while doing it…. you may be a great fit for our team!

    Volunteer as a Group

    We invite you and your team—whether from your church, youth group, board, young adults, ministry team, etc... to join us for an exciting week of service this summer! Partnering with supporting churches is an absolute joy, and serving at camp is a fun and rewarding way to further God’s kingdom together. Your group will not only bond over a week away but also work side by side on our dish crew team. Along with the satisfaction of providing clean dishes for camp, you’ll get the opportunity to dive into wide games, and special events, and even try out some of our onsite activities like the Giant Swing and Quad Zipline! Come experience the joy of serving in a meaningful way alongside those in your community!