Experience Unforgettable - Camps & Retreats

    Summer Camps

    Camp Availability

    Last Updated: 3/28/2025

    Online registration is open and constantly impacting availability. If there is a discrepancy between this page and the registration system, the registration system is correct. 

    Grade 2/3/4 - July 27-30  Male   Female 
    Classic Camp                                                                 Open Open
    Horsemanship Open Open

    Grade 4/5/6A - July 6-11  Male   Female 
    Classic Camp                                                                 Open Open
    Horsemanship Open 2 Spots
    Lake Canoe 3 Spots Open
    Laser Tag Open 2 Spots
    Waitlisting 2 Spots

    Grade 4/5/6B - July 20-25  Male   Female 
    Classic Camp                                                                 Open 1 Spot
    Horsemanship Open Open
    Lake Canoe 1 Spot Open
    Laser Tag Open Waitlisting
    4 Spots Open

    Grade 7/8/9A - July 13-18  Male   Female 
    Classic Camp 4 Spots Waitlisting
    Girl's Introductory Horsemanship N/A Waitlisting
    Girl's Horsemanship N/A Waitlisting
    Lake Canoe 1 Spot 1 Spot
    Paintball Waitlisting Waitlisting
    Power-tubing Waitlisting Waitlisting
    White Water Rafting Waitlisting 1 Spot

    Grade 7/8/9B - Aug. 10-15  Male   Female 
    Classic Camp Open Waitlisting
    Girl's Introductory Horsemanship                                 N/A Waitlisting
    Girl's Horsemanship N/A Open
    Lake Canoe 4 Spots Waitlisting
    Paintball 4 Spots Waitlisting
    Power-tubing Waitlisting Waitlisting
    White Water Rafting 3 Spots Open

    Grade 10/11/12 - Aug. 17-22  Male   Female 
    Classic Camp Open 3 Spots
    Lake Canoe 3 Spots Waitlisting
    Girl's Horsemanship N/A Waitlisting
    Paintball 3 Spots Open
    Power-tubing Waitlisting Waitlisting
    White Water Rafting 4 Spots Waitlisting